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Automated payouts

We've updated our platform so that we can payout tips to your staff, saving you the time and expense of administering the payouts via your payroll

Administering the payout of tips for your staff can be a burden. The hassle (and expense!) can be a barrier to adopting a cashless tipping platform. That's why we have developed a new feature: automated payouts.

An alarm clock alongside a note saying 'Time to get paid'

During onboarding you can opt in for automated payouts. After that, we'll sort out the rest! Your staff will receive their hard earned tips weekly without any effort on your part. We'll also send them a summary at the end of the year for tax purposes.

Automated payouts benefit you by reducing the amount of admin you need to do, and they help your staff by getting their hard earned tips to them more quickly than would be the case if they had to wait for pay day to come around.

Tippl. Cashless tipping, made simple.

Avatar of Adam Jackson

Last updated February 2, 2025

Adam is a physicist and engineer who enjoys a good adventure, and lately he has started to become an expert in all things tipping. After a series of separate adventures with great guides where he found it difficult to pay a tip he decided to create tippl. The aim is to make it easier to pay tips to awesome people who have been passed over, or who are missing out, now that society is moving away from cash.